first, you notice your energy is off
you feel the loss of ease + flow
then, you start getting toxic
your life becomes more stressful, you feel overwhelmed by it, you get burned-out
from here, you manifest all kinds of obstacles for yourself to overcome: chronic illness, addiction, anxiety, etc...
this is where you slip into survival mode
Holistic Health Practitioner + Hypnotherapist + Human Design Analyst
Vibrational Medicine Therapist
I am here to help you through this shift + to create momentum to get you moving forward.
I am here to introduce you to your higher self + how it speaks to you through your intuition...
To help you heal your grief, to reconcile what no longer is, with what is happening right now in your current state.
To shift your mindset in order for you to witness how you can align your energy with your actions to help you go from your current state to your desired state... to manifest the life you desire.
{and the lives of my family + friends... eek! poor dears...}
This energy could easily have me nosy af, in everyone's business, acting like a know it all, forcing my ideas + energy on people who didn't ask for advice. And maybe I was like that at some point, lol.
In order to turn this energy into a gift, I felt called to step up in sacred service to the collective as a practitioner + find the right people to share this gift with. People that WANT my help, that come to me because they are ready for quantum leaps, huge growth spurts + massive uplevels in their life...
I know this to be true:
I will teach you how to use higher brain states to connect with your intuition. You'll learn how to channel information + understand what your intuition is saying to you.
We will use hypnotherapy to identify + clear undesired habits, beliefs + behaviors. We will basically reprogram your brain to set up a newer, faster + more powerful framework.
Once you align with your higher self, you need tools to help you stay in thrive mode. From self hypnosis to emotional acupressure, You'll have everything you need continue to thrive.
"Before working with AJ, I felt so stuck. I kept manifesting the same crappy situations. It was everything I didn't want. After working with AJ I have so much more clarity and I am manifesting what I want" -Kathy R
"I felt like I spent my whole life doing what I thought I should do, what others expected of me, what I saw other people doing successfully. I was really good at helping everyone around me to be successful, yet I felt like I failed in my own life. I developed better boundaries. I now feel like I do I what I really want, instead of trying to people please" -Teresa H
"I signed up for the VIP version because I knew I needed the extra help. After my first 1:1 session where we went over my human design chart and ayurvedic assessment, I learned more about my souls purpose, what I came here to be, but also what I wasn’t here for... I uncovered so many limiting beliefs that I carried about myself." -Penny R
"Using the techniques that AJ taught me allowed me to go back in my life and discover the root of these limiting beliefs that were holding me back and clear them. After that, I was able to show up and be myself and accept myself with so much more confidence. I felt so called to take to inspired action that I immediately signed up for a life coaching certification to help me develop my gifts. Now I help people that actually value my advice!" -Sandra F
"I feel so much more satisfaction in my life. I feel so purposeful in my sacred service of assisting other woman who have gone through the issues I have experienced in my life. I learned that my difficulties occurred to teach me how to help them." -Elizabeth M
"As a result of having more confidence in myself, I feel so much more satisfied in my relationship with my husband. It feels as if it has transformed into the soulmate connection that I always desired, but thought I would never have. My relationship with my kids has shifted too. My relationships with my extended family, my parents, and siblings has improved as well." -Angela T
"The mirror that AJ has held up for me has been so immensely helpful for me, as it has allowed me to let go of so many bad habits that were no longer serving me. I have stopped trying to force my advice on those that don't ask for it. I have also let go of expecting people to heal and grow according to my timeline. I trust that they can heal in their own perfect timing." -Tracy U
"I have learned how to make decisions that work for me. I've stopped trying to force myself into what I thought I should be, and I allow myself to shine as my higher self that I came here to be without judging myself. Now I am attracting what I truly desire and I'm living my life more authentically." -Gretta B
"I feel more peaceful and energized. Thankful and grateful for the experience that I went through to get here. It was worth the work that I did to take responsibility for my life." -Polly L
There is a powerful transformation waiting for you on the other side of this. I can't wait to meet you there.
Discover how you can use your unique qualities to your advantage