ready to step up into the next highest version of yourself?

make the shift

You're cruising along + then all the sudden your life changes.


there are various reasons why these changes occur :


  • your relationship status changes

  • your financial circumstances shift

  • you have a health issue or scare
  • you hit rock bottom in some area of your life  
  • you witness someone change + you’re jealous because you know you deserve better too

  • you realize that you wanna do big things

  • you lose your job or you change your career

  • familial obligations may have shifted

  • a loved one has died

  • an external force has affected you {a natural disaster / accident}

    ...something has initiated your response to reroute. You have suddenly been placed on the path to a new destination.

    This can cause you to react from fear rather than responding with your best interests in mind.

    But, when you learn the how the process of change works, you can master transitional anxiety. Which means you become more adaptable to change. Which lowers your stress levels, allowing you to stay in thrive mode.

    You have a choice...

    be a victim to what happens to you... or empower yourself to make the shift.

I know you're ready for this or you wouldn't be here on this page reading this right now... sign up for my five day challenge to help you begin the process.



What you'll learn

I will teach you the purpose of challenges + how to use them to grow + take quantum leaps to become your higher self. You will learn how to hold space for healing.

You will learn why things must change + how to harness changes to uplevel your energy + get in a high vibe. We will discuss how to create lasting changes in your life.

The content is delivered over 5 days to give you time to process + integrate the information

the content is delivered via audio, video + written word

I recorded it in 2018 + 2019 after I downloaded the info very clearly into my journals

I am very much into efficiency so the content is to the point

I believe my gift is in making things easier to understand

Bring a journal + take notes

Include it as part of your morning ritual for a week

Next steps:

Use the code IAMBRAVE to save 20%

You'll get an email from me immediately upon purchase to help you gain access to the info portal of my website.