20 yr old me has arrived from 1995 with a message for me

20 yr old me has arrived from 1995 with a message for me + I wanna share it cuz it’s for you too.

Fun is fuel, not a reward

Withholding that carefree exuberance from yourself in the name of productivity is a crime.

I’ve never understood it

“Get all your work done, then you can play” this conditioning is tragic.

Yah I’m that mom that’s like yes, play a game first to get in a good vibe THEN do your schoolwork, chores, to-do list.

When I use my rituals to get myself in a high vibe FIRST, my work is always better quality AND. I enjoy the process so much more.

This version of myself, the 20 yr old version, perfected this practice. I was living in that van, traveling around from place to place, going to dead shows, visiting communes, laying next to rivers and in hot springs, staying in the forest for rainbow gatherings, doing all the fun things, gathering + wildcrafting experiences + wisdom like they were medicinal herbs (also did plenty of herb harvesting as well).

This time shaped me greatly. I learned so much about myself + the world around me. I learned trust + faith as I witnessed the universe supporting me while it cast its magic in my favor.

I loved ferociously as I collected an amazing community of like minded souls over the next few years (many of which are still my best friends, especially you, my sweet @souljahmama πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜)

If we don’t take time to cultivate this energy we end up confused, overwhelmed + exhausted as some point.

“PLAY IS THE MEDICINE”, my 20 yr old self screams at me! Don’t forget, no matter what comes up to try to convince you otherwise.

weeks after this pic was taken, I would discover that I was pregnant with my first child. I would see how everything I had done up to that point was perfectly timed. How I would parent so radically different than anyone else I had ever witnessed. How fun was the medicine I needed to prepare for this new path I traveled.

Life is beautiful. Don’t forget to enjoy it no matter where you are on your path.

How can you include fun today to raise your vibe? Also, what is your younger self trying to remind you of? Go grab your journal + write it out. Then come back and share if you feel called.







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