I love being of service to the collective

I am here, in a place of unconditional love, fully present, holding space for our healing

It is what I came here to do

In human design the incarnation cross speaks to our purpose… mine is the right angle cross of the vessel of love

I am here to love

I used to feel as if no one could ever love me as much as I loved them. Then I realized It was making me feel like I needed to love less to match people so I didn’t feel hurt or sad or unloved.

By doing that I lowered my vibration. I was tired and sick and depressed

Then in 2019, my guides had enough. They were like hey we need you to be who you came here to be. A shining beacon of love for the world.

Realizing that me trying to match people out of a desire to be loved to what I considered equality was keeping me from doing what I came here to do. It left me confused + even more depressed.

I decided to stop measuring + weighing love

I decided that being my big bright shiny self no matter what was very important.

I noticed that aches and pains were starting to disappear after a few days

My joy was returning

I started attracting different kinds of people. Surprisingly a few of them were also vessels of love in human design.

I realized that my feeling that no one could love me as much as I loved them was a limiting belief.

When I redid my hypnotherapy training in 2020 I worked on this little glitch {who am I kidding it was a huge glitch, lol}

Letting go of it was tough, so I did a few sessions as it was a very deeply rooted belief.

It’s common to think we cannot change these things about ourselves but hypnotherapy proves that we can change anything, especially our mindset!

That’s why I created my spring bundle to help you shift + change your beliefs of what is possible for you.

The link to the bundle is in my profile. It’s 40% off for a little bit longer then the price will go up. Don’t miss this powerful work. This is the best time to do this work as spring has us naturally wanting to clean up our surroundings.

I also have 1:1 sessions available if you need me or wanna go deeper πŸ’›






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