Another installment from 1995 me

Another installment from 1995 me

Stop wasting your precious energy worrying

It’s all good

If you truly believe that, then there is no need to worry. Only when you get caught up in the duality of life do you open your mind to excessive thinking.

I’m sure that last part was me channeling Micah tho πŸ˜‚

I love this pic of the three of us outside our van. The three of us traveled + lived together in there. With 2 big dogs and 9 puppies or something insane like that πŸ˜‚

Micah is once again shirtless.

And then there is my sweet Angel Mike (he left us in 2006, I think???) he was just such a sweetheart, always reminding me of who I was back then. He is constantly missed. The three of us got along so good. It was such a fun time traveling together. We were a good team πŸ’›

Miss you boys lots

I learned so much from this experience + remember being in full trust that the universe was providing exactly what I needed in every moment.

I could feel that some big shift was coming. We were in between ideas of what to do next. We’d been living in the forest next to a river in the high desert of Oregon. Near bend. Jerry Garcia had just died so we weren’t sure what life after tour would be like!

All I knew was things were shifting in a big way

What I didn’t know: I was pregnant with my first baby at 20. 😳

The smell of juniper will always bring me back to this time. That’s why I always include it in my sacred incense blends. (It’s definitely a distinctive smell)

It always reminds me of my strength and determination to live with trust

I included more juniper than usual in my next batch of sacred incense for this reason. I want to remind you to TRUST.

and hold space for best case scenarios πŸ’›βš‘οΈβœ¨







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