Dirty mirror selfie just cuz

Dirty mirror selfie just cuz

I’ve been switching up my morning rituals and I’m loving it.

I used to lay in bed and write til about 9am {I typically wake up around sunrise}

Now I’ve been giving myself an hour to write then I get up.

I used to wait til 11 or 12 to eat

Now I eat by 7:30am

Shifting those two things has been huge. Not sure in what way but I feel more aligned. I’m sure I’ll notice they WHY before too long {I’m just trusting my body and not needing logical validation as to why I should do whatever my intuition is telling me to do}

I went for a walk in nature this morning + listened to a podcast {not music like I usually do}

I’ve been so off on my sleep schedule since the start of my road trip. I was only sleeping like 4 hours a night for the past couple weeks. Last night I slept 11 hours. I must need to catch up. Again, not trying to conform to “normal” sleep patterns, not logically attempting to adjust what’s going on, just honoring it. If I’m tried at 5:30pm I allow myself to sleep. My body isn’t trying to manipulate me or anything. ITS TIRED. caffeine or other methods to force myself to stay up later so I can get back to my usual bedtime isn’t the vibe rn.

Trusting + honoring is.

What is your body asking you to shift or change about your morning ritual?

I made a reel this morning about it if you wanna go watch it.

If you need some validation or an intro to your intuition so you know what voice to listen to LMK πŸ’›βš‘οΈπŸ”‘






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