Energy update 7.7.20

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020


So I know things feel like they’re speeding up rn. Don’t be fooled.

Take a sec to assess the situation before acting.

Might seem like it’s go time but it may be your nervous system reacting to the collective energy around you.

As an empath you may find yourself feeling the rage, the fear, the worry of the people around you.

Your body responds in one of two ways.

One is to react from the lower chakras. And the other is to respond from your heart.

Which do you choose?

I am sitting here in contemplation over how I feel about some people in my life + core wounds from childhood that are finally starting to heal. I understand why I have been slow to trust people + how when people’s actions don’t match up with their words it disturbs me + makes me feel so uncomfortable.

How maybe the final straw leads you to action which starts a chain reaction of growth that fuels a whole new direction in your life...

How getting bored + frustrated can lead into daydreaming about best case scenarios to rediscover your deepest passions.

How your hair grows back from shaving your head + morphs into a new hairstyle weekly on its very own.

How much better it feels to live in the right now than it does trying to plan anything in advance.

I have all the thoughts but no energy to share them. I haven’t felt like recording or writing or taking very many pics.

Seems to me that it’s time to listen to ourselves + stop giving advice or try to teach anyone anything rn. Stop looking to others for your answers. The truth is within you. Get quiet somewhere in nature + just listen. Honor your body’s truth.







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