full moon Jul 23, 2021
It may feel as if you are on the verge of something... but not sure what exactly is going on.

Big energy shifts have us feeling this way + that, up + then down, excited then worried, empowered then deflated... it’s been kinda all over the place as we approached this full moon hasn’t it?

Grounding yourself will help you to align + flow with this energy.
Spend some time outside.
Pay attention to the tension in your body.
UNCLENCH THAT JAW. drop your shoulders.
Release any attachments you may be holding as to how things are going to work out... and trust. Trust that everything is happening in perfect timing. Trust the journey ahead. Trust that you have been prepared for whatever happens. Everything that has occurred in your life has been a gift that has led you to this moment in time fully capable of taking inspired action when the time is right.

You are a gift to the world + you shine when you accept this + act as your authentic higher self. Follow your desires + stay present to be in the right place at the right time to accept what you’re attracting + manifesting into your life this cycle.

Big changes or small, you are absolutely prepared for whatever appears on your path.

Just know that you only need to know the first few steps forward in this newness. You don’t need to know EVERYTHING. You can trust in your body’s wisdom to take the first action steps forward today. The rest of the info will come as it’s needed.

Grab your Aquarius Full Moon workbook + journal your answers to these questions:

1. What is something I’ve always wanted to do but have never felt like the time is right?

2. What action steps can I take to bring myself closer to this thing?

3. Are there other people in my life who have a similar dream or that have this in the lives already?

4. Are there resources in my community that support this dream of mine that I can utilize?

5. If I manifest this into my life, who in my community will benefit as well?

6. If I don’t manifest this into my life how will I continue to suffer without it?

I’m sure you’ll see how taking action to manifest whatever it is will uplift and uplevel your life as well as that of your community. Don’t give up or continue to deny yourself. Your desires are real + valid.

To learn more about the Aquarius full moon, go watch my latest video.

Save this post for later so you can come back for validation if you start feeling anxious or worried. Remember that these feelings are just reminding you to come back to the present as you’re getting a little ahead of yourself. Be right here right now. Release anything that no longer serves you to create more space for the new things coming into your life.
It’s time to take a closer look at your intentions that you set a new moon + evaluate whether or not they still resonate. Are you still excited? Are you taking inspired action with them in mind?

Full moon in Aquarius provides us an opportunity to work with this energy.

Honor your body’s wisdom. Listen to your gut, your heart, your intuition as they guide you forward to taking inspired action on what is truly serving you!

Allow what no longer serves you to fall away.

Commit to your growth.

This is your time!
Wanna learn more about how to harness the Aquarius energetic imprint?
The Full Moon in Aquarius Workbook is in the library for current subscribers!






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