Full Moon In Taurus

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2020

Full moon blessings!

As we move through this Libra moon cycle we have been shown so many areas in our lives that no longer align with the new upgraded high vibe person we are growing into.

This full moon allows us to shed those things in such a powerful way.

Take time to ground yourself. Get outside in nature if you can. Walk on the earth, breathe in the fresh air + exhale any lingering stress that you may have.

Think about your core beliefs + your mindset. What is holding you back from manifesting what you want? What in your thoughts, beliefs, or actions is misaligned with your intentions?

How can you be here now + step into your upgraded mindset which aligns with the energy of who you desire to become? That aligns with that person who has manifested your intentions already?



Current subscribers can click HERE to grab the Taurus full moon workbook.

If you aren't a subscriber yet, you can go here to sign up! Use the code TAURUSFULLMOON to save 20% off your first month! {expires 11/2}



Inside you'll find more info about the Taurus full moon + how to use it's energy for your benefit rather than fighting against it. There's also journal prompts to help you get clarity on what needs to be released so that you can realign with your desires + redirect your energy into amplifying your intentions.

You'll also have instant access to the Libra moon cycle daily workbook so you can start following along with my IG posts that I share each day to keep you aligned with the moon's energy as we flow through the cycle. Each phase has it's energetic imprint + if you can learn how to use it it will help you manifest your desires faster than ever before.

I'd love to hear how this full moon has you feeling! Comment below or on my IG post.

If you need some help with clarity, check out my Meet Your Intuition sessions HERE! I'd love to work with you + help you uplevel your mindset + learn how to decode your body's wisdom.










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