Here’s some lovely nature therapy to bring you back into a high vibe

Here’s some lovely nature therapy to bring you back into a high vibe

Feel free to exit the narrative

Come back to yourself + nourish yourself

Take time to grieve the loss of the ways things were

Things are shifting because we are shaking them up

Chaos is a chance to rest

honor it today.

Breathe deeply, drink a ton of water + scroll through the pics, absorbing the vibrational medicine I’ve encoded in them 💛⚡️🔑

My July schedule is open!

I have a bunch of human design intro sessions available!

Hypnotherapy clients: I have 3 spots opening for my acute care (we’re dealing with a specific issue that you come to me for help with wanting to shift) which is 3 sessions over a months time. Some issues may require additional sessions.

I have 2 spots available for more long term care. We work in 3 month chunks. I find this work is best for those that feel called to be of service or “here to do big things” but are unable to trust their intuition so they feel stuck in life, unable to take inspired action to manifest the life they desire

💛⚡️🔑 lmk if you’re ready to step up into the next highest version of yourself 🔥






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