House of Intuition Shopping Trip for Sacred Tools to Help Me Heal My Ancestral Trauma


I’ve been doing so much healing through space + time lately. My dreams have been where I connect with my ancestors the deepest.

We hold council + I then go in to repair my DNA from the fractures + the pain they’ve caused. I’m cleansing the poison from myself that I’ve held my entire life without realizing the cause. I thought I had inflicted this upon myself as the self help movement tells us to go within + fix ourselves...

I have been deep in a cave for the past week using the medicine I created energetically to heal the rift between the past + the present. I feel peace now that I am aware of the shifts. I know they are proud of me + appreciate the work I’ve done.

Now I can release my fear + anxiety that I’ve held onto as a result. I can clear away that which no longer serves me in the biggest way possible. I feel lighter + more present than i have in a long time. πŸ’œ
Are you clearing the effects of trauma out of your energy as well? Have you felt spacey, out there, distracted, withdrawn, internal, introverted, heavy, nostalgic, melancholy...?

It took some deep hypnosis for me to realize what was happening within me. I want to remind you that if you’re feeling this way, it’s ok. Let yourself feel it all + process it. Go through the tunnel + when you emerge from the cave you’ll feel so much lighter.

Bookmark the link to this post to remind yourself that you’re in process if you start to forget or judge yourself thinking you’re being lazy {I hate that word + never use it but somehow I channeled it to use in this instance} as you move through these energy shifts.

I felt like I needed some sacred tools to help me process some of the energy shifts I’m experiencing, so I visited House of Intuition in Costa Mesa to find them.

I love that shop so much because the vibe is so nice. It really raises my frequency as soon as I step foot in the door.

I came home + immediately got my new sacred tools out + started using them.

Watch the video to learn more + see everything I got + why I chose it. I'd love to hear if you're going through something similar, we seem to be so parallel these days. LMK! DM me on instagram HERE @becomeyourhigherself so we can chat!






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