How to Use Your Discernment This Moon Cycle

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2020
wow! That new moon in Virgo yesterday was deep for me. Was it for you too?
I found myself feeling as if I had been squeezed through some kind of birth canal. That's the only way I can describe it. It wasn't very comfortable... but here I am, once again conscious of some newness that I am not prepared to name yet.
It keeps happening too.
Every so often I notice that feeling creep up. It's almost like suddenly waking up from a vivid dream + knowing that you are in a different place, space, reality now...
I know, that sounds wild... but I am hearing from so many empath friends that they too feel this way.
So I am here to let you know that this newness represents a place of new beginnings. It's not the time to be looking back into the past for distraction or comfort.
Look forward to this new moon cycle with renewed passion + discernment.
I went live on Moonifest Daily's IG account last night to talk about a few things. I also shared a few journal prompts to assist you + pulled cards for us all that were very validating.
Afterward, I got so many messages that the cards were similar if not the same to ones that other people had pulled for the new moon as well.
You can watch the video HERE on ig.
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New moon in Virgo info, journal prompts + card reading

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