I’m seeing the difference in my energy since I called on the divine feminine for healing.

feminine energy love peace Mar 09, 2022

I’m seeing the difference in my energy since I called on the divine feminine for healing.

The playful joyful fun parts of myself have returned.

The work I did in the masculine continues but it isn’t as intense. I got all the info + downloads out into my notebooks.

I have all the content created. I don’t have to worry about what video goes with what program. I can relax into a more creative mindset

I have space to be creative for the joy of it, not because I have to finish a project. It’s necessary. I need space to day dream, to dance, to sketch, to make music…

I feel a bit softer, more social, interested in collaboration, ready for community.

It’s so interesting to me that my energy changes how I appear in the physical world.

People respond differently to me. It’s very interesting. I’m enjoying it. I feel energized + ready for all the new things that are manifesting. More please.






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