Intuitive Manipulation in the Coaching Industry

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2022



I have to say it. This is going to upset some people but I don’t care.

It’s eating me from the inside out. The way some (and I here I want to stress SOME, not ALL, as there are many amazing ones out there) business coaches are using sneaky NLP techniques to manipulate people into thinking they’re listening + honoring their intuition makes me have full body reactions… but it’s not the full body yeses they speak of.

Once you are educated in NLP you become aware of the manipulation it can be used for + you can be impervious to its charms. I see right through it + it’s disgusting. I’m witnessing people signing up for extended programs that cost tens of thousands of dollars due to this… incurring monthly charges THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD, all convinced that “being in the energy” of their new coach, and/or being aligned + in integrity, will magically allow them to step up into earning more than enough to pay their bill AND retire their partner, put their kids in private school + take amazing vacations… when in reality most don’t and it bankrupts their family when they find they are legally bound to keep paying their monthly payment regardless of the fact. Most of them then abandon their passion to try to mimic their coach and teach business strategies with the hope they can replicate the coach’s success… and be able to pay what they owe their coach.

“Trust me, you know how amazing my energy is, you don’t need to know what this offering is, listen to your intuition + jump in with the trust you have for me… but do it today cuz the price goes up by $1k each day until we begin! Don’t miss out on the incredible price of $12k by enrolling in my secret offer today!!”

Seriously. Fuck this nervous system trick. Tell me what the fuck I’m gonna learn so I can take the time I need to decide if it’s for me or not. Don’t activate my nervous system and force me to go against my natural decision making process + then tell me it’s my body’s intuition telling me it’s a full body yes! Don’t play on my naive trust and my provoked insecurity and FOMO via my human desires. Don’t make me regret putting the safety + care of my family at risk to work with you so that you can make $357857654 this year!

This hurts me to witness. Please can we do better?

I want to bring this into awareness after speaking with some friends who were brave enough to share their experiences with me. And low + behold. It was with the same few coaches. That I will not call out. It’s obvious there are many out there using this strategy.

This is why I teach what I teach. People need to learn HOW TO LISTEN TO THEIR INTUITION + how to interpret the info their body shares with them + how to trust their decision making style, so they don’t fall for this manipulation.

End rant. Omgggg I feel better. I’d love to hear your experience, feel free to DM me on IG or email me if you like. πŸ’œ






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