It’s 2015 + I’d found myself stuck again.


It’s 2015 + I’d found myself stuck again. I had gained back 45 pounds that I’d lost in 2012/13. I was still suffering with bouts of chronic pain, digestive issues, brain fog… I’d feel ok for a few weeks, but then I’d spend a few weeks in bed in a full on flare up of auto immune stuff. I was seeing multiple alternative wellness professionals, I was taking supplements, I was trying so hard to pull myself together. Then I found a journal with an entry about a mediation I had done in 2013 where we witnessed a future version of ourselves that had accomplished our dreams. It rocked me to my core. It showed me that I still had work to do.

If you’ve been following me for awhile you may remember this time.

I decided to go 100000% in and manifest that vision of myself that I saw in 2013.

Swipe thru the pics above to read more.

I had to trust the timeline as I’ve been through a rollercoaster of a ride these past 7 years. I’m still learning more everyday… but I’m healing. And that’s not linear. But I have become that version of myself that I saw in 2013. And now I am doing that meditation again + striving to become the next highest version of myself yet again. It only ends when it… well… when it ENDS… and I’m not ready for the end yet so I keep going lol. I’ve spent the past 7 years learning everything I could about how to harness the powerful process of transformation.

I invite you to come experience this work with me. The time is now to start taking action to manifest your version of this powerful process.






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