Massive second chakra activation

Massive second chakra activation

Focus on your feelings today + honor what comes up

Be present for your emotions. Hold them tenderly. Nurture any part of yourself that feels vulnerable. No need to question or understand the root causes, just respect them showing up in your life at this particular moment. The root will expose itself soon enough.

For now just be here. Sit in it.

Allow yourself to acknowledge this present state without having to take any action to move past it

Place your hands on your belly right below your belly button + breathe into this space. Allow yourself a few moments of quiet.

Remember that you came here to discover the depths of your soul + this is all part of that journey.

Love yourself for being brave enough to show up as your authentic self today.

As you hold space you’ll notice that your energy will start to shift. Information will arrive without force. You just gotta open up + be ready to receive it

As you show up for yourself you are better able to hold space for whatever needs to come up today

Honor the waning moon energy + plug in to recharge your batteries before the Leo moon cycle begins next week. It’s gonna be a big one so prepare yourself!!

If something comes up that feels like a block, lmk so we can clear it together πŸ’›βš‘οΈπŸ”‘






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