On my last day of my road trip, I woke up at 3:30 am.

On my last day of my road trip, I woke up at 3:30 am. I had lots of info + the words were really coming through + needed to write them down. By the time I finished, it was around 4:30, so I got up + took a shower + ate breakfast. I figured since I was already up + ready to go by 5, I might as well start driving + was rewarded greatly for following my intuition.

Not only did I have the pleasure of watching the sun rise on the painted desert… I also got to watch the moon set behind the mountains. I took these pics from flagstaff {one of my sacred portal spaces} to the Mojave desert {another magical portal space} swipe to see them all 😍

What a divine activation of the powerful feminine + masculine within me!

It helped me integrate + shift into the next highest version of myself with ease. I didn’t even realize what was happening until I got home 8 hours later. The drive felt like a powerful culmination of the last three weeks of my trip. All the synchronistic events were suddenly illuminated. Like it all made so much sense.

I arrived home not only to my house + my cat… but to myself in a way I haven’t felt in over 3 years.

Pieces that felt foreign or misplaced suddenly all fit together in a way that felt meaningful.

I left for my trip searching for answers + I’ve returned as a new version of myself. I know what my next steps forward are with so much clarity + strength.

Watching the sun rise + the moon set simultaneously activated me.

I’ll be sharing more soon. So excited.

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