So glad to report that I am still here.

aligned change empowering Feb 25, 2022


So glad to report that I am still here

There have been times in my life where I wasn’t sure that was going to continue for much longer but I have healed so much over the past few years I just wanna fucking congratulate myself + say how proud I am of myself for taking the time + space to allow myself to fall apart completely… like the Phoenix, turn to ash… while completely trusting the fact that I would be back… better than ever before… as a result of trusting myself completely.

Amazing boundaries, healthy view of what connection with others means to me, what I value in the continuous collaboration with the universe. I am here af.
so present…
so grounded…

Carefully choosing my next steps after allowing myself time to feel into things before I make hasty decisions that never work out how i hope, even though they seem amazing at first. I find so much ease in trusting my body’s wisdom over society’s ideas of what being intuitive means.

I’ve broken through huge limiting beliefs + come out the other side so many times over the past few years that I have become comfortable in the uncomfort. I crave it to let me know I’m alive. Not complacent. Never ending. Constantly upleveling + growth. Trailblazing.

I am here to inspire you to do the same. So go do it. 😘






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