clarity intuition tone Apr 09, 2022
I just got home from the beach + I wanted to share what the lady of the lake {or ocean in this case... maybe I should call her lady of the water?} shared with me


she was fucking screaming it at me.

ok ok ok ok

I get it

I went in the ocean to cleanse I asked her to take my anxiety, to remove my pain.

I asked for release of it as the waves pounded into my body with so much force it almost knocked me over. Over and over. I let the salty water absorb anything that no longer served me. I cleansed + released any resistance to the path before me.

She said I could just transform it myself. That is was fuel if I could shift my perspective.

I asked for her help

So I lay in the sand + put myself into the alpha state to allow myself to be open + receptive to the information that she was about to share with me

I heard her voice as clear as day:

You're right on time

just know that everything is happening at the most perfect pace. you are doing so well. keep going. rest when you need to

find a safe place, a quiet place... go there + allow yourself to open up to the possibility that things are progressing perfectly as they are

no need to do anything to speed it up

yes take the action, by all means...

but stop fretting over it. step back after the work is done + admire yourself

then let the universe co create with you. pay attention to the synchronicites. listen to your intuition

let the universe roll out the red carpet for you. let it deliver what you want right to your front door

I went back in the ocean one more time to rinse off. I said thank you. I said the words aloud + felt her receive them

I feel SO grounded. It was like a reset.

So if you're feeling anxious or worried or stressed or just can't ease into the current moment with comfort, take some time to ask yourself what you need. Where can you go to create that safe place for yourself?

If you're having issues trusting your intuition, or maybe you can't even hear it at all... I can help you. I created a session that activates your intuition + uses your human design chart to help you decipher what your higher self is trying to tell you. DM ME!






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