The time is now to speak up.



The time is now to speak up. I get tons of messages from people who tell me that my voice inspires them. But they’re scared of backlash, of being called out, cancelled… well I’m more afraid of losing my right to free speech tbh. It’s perilous times + we can use this momentum that’s been created to unearth the rest of the darkness + bring it to the light.

We can use our platforms to share info with our communities, to lovingly inform, to unconditionally speak our truth. After I listened to children thanking people for speaking up for them recently I decided enough was enough.

There are people without clean water, people being murdered without notice, rights being stripped, land being poisoned, voices being silenced. Is this the world you want to pass down to your future ancestors?

When I die I will be proud of myself that I took the trailblazer path to stand for those that walk behind me into the light. I will NOT ignore the pain of the world. I am here to hold space + empower you to do the same. We can’t all fight for everything, we may not have all the info that other people have + attempting to shame people for standing up for something + not everything is just another tactic to separate + disempower us. Don’t fall for it! Cheer on anyone that is brave enough to step up in these scary times. Come together because in synergy we are stronger.

I love you + I support you. May you be brave + share your truth with whatever volume you can muster. We got this! LFG!!!!

Please tell me if this resonates I know I can’t be the only one feeling this way πŸ’œ






50% Complete

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