Weekly Energy Forecast For January 31 - February 6

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2021

Moon blessings,

This week starts off with the waning moon in Virgo and shifts into Libra on Monday, allowing us to see the areas in our lives that have become toxic + unbalanced.

Monday: February 1: when the waning moon goes into Libra, go within into your inner sanctuary to collaborate with spirit. Be open to new ways of relating to others + sharing the info you receive. Be open as an empath to healing the wounds still present within you so that you can show up more fully to mirror those around you.  Libra’s energy is all about alignment + balance + making things FEEL harmonious.

Wednesday: February 3: the waning moon slips into Scorpio, bringing a  very spontaneous deep sharing with someone who is a really good mirror for you right now. It could also be something you have yet to reveal to yourself. Perhaps something new that has been creeping up that you haven’t wanted to admit to anyone, even yourself!

Friday: February 5: the waning moon goes into Sagittarius. You’re going to notice that you feel so much freer… so make sure that you speak your mind this week + that you stay in the feeling of freedom, fun + infinite possibilities because that’s where all the answers are for you!


  • pick an area of your life to detox/organize
  • notice any resistance that is coming up
  • try to cut out as much processed food as possible this week + drink more water!
  • JOURNAL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (get the Moonifest Daily 2021 Planner here)

Karmic Relationship Session

We become our most empowered when we realize our relationships = opportunities for deep spiritual growth + powerful manifestations.

Join me for a 90 minute NLP/Hypnotherapy/Human Design session to learn more about your karmic relationships with others.

⚡️See you on Instagram @MoonifestDaily where I’ll be sharing my daily rituals in my story…


anne siggy new






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