Weekly Energy Forecast For The Week of February 14 - 20

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2021

Moon blessings,

This week starts off with the waxing moon in Aries, following last week's new moon in Aquarius. Aries brings a powerful burst of energy into your life⚡️

Sunday: February 14: when the waxing moon moves into Aries, get ready to take inspired action. Know your to-do list for the week. Take time to nurture yourself with self-care rituals when you feel tired. This may lead you to create new this sacred space over the upcoming week. Don’t miss this opportunity for big-time transformation

Tuesday: February 16: the waxing moon is in Taurus, bringing a very grounded + earthy feel to things. Notice how your physical body FEELS. What is it craving? Honor your desires this week. Spoil yourself with love, attention, affection, pleasure, joy, excitement…

Friday: February 19: with the waxing moon in Gemini, you may find yourself desiring a deep conversation with someone you find interesting. Step up + initiate the connection if needed. The things you will learn from this convo will quickly override any nervousness you may have had in approaching them


  • move your body! try a new thing. dance, skate, something fun!
  • eat nourishing foods, include more greens + fresh veggies like asparagus + broccoli
  • move your body if you feel stuck emotionally
  • JOURNAL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (get the Moonifest Daily 2021 Planner for 70% off here)

Karmic Relationship Session

We become our most empowered when we realize our relationships = opportunities for deep spiritual growth + powerful manifestations.

Join me for a 90 minute NLP/Hypnotherapy/Human Design session to learn more about your karmic relationships with others.

⚡️See you on Instagram @MoonifestDaily where I’ll be sharing my daily rituals in my story…


anne siggy new






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