Weekly Energy Forecast For The Week of February 21 - 27

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2021

Moon blessings,

This week starts off with the waxing moon in Cancer and ending with the full moon in Virgo, encouraging us to decluttering what no longer serves us, let it flow away.

Sunday: February 21: the waxing moon enters Cancer. Take this time to allow yourself to feel. Take some time to check in with yourself. Journal your heart out. Expressing yourself is going to help you to better understand your deepest feelings + desires. Plan things that make you happy + excited. Include your loved ones. Play. Laugh, feel free. Allow yourself to let go of expectation. You must be aware enough to spot them, so being grounded, present + gracious will definitely assist you this week.

Wednesday: February 24: the waxing moon is in Leo, showing us just how bright + shiny we can be. You may be feeling a little bit impressed with yourself this week. If you have had any self-confidence issues recently, spend some time soaking up this empowering Leo energy imprint. Look back at the month + acknowledge your progress!

Friday: February 26: the waxing in Virgo may have you feeling a strong urge to take stock, let go of what no longer serves you + organize the things you allow to remain. Your relationship, your home, even your personal style may be up for upgrade, so stay aware + open to these new shifts.

Saturday: February 27: Full Moon enters Virgo, which has us really digging into organizing things so we can continue to move forward. Behind the scenes, planning + clearing the way for the new things coming to this cycle is a good idea, especially for anyone starting new projects or moving forward with one that is in its infancy. Nurture it. Your energy is precious so make sure you are putting it towards whatever you’re wanting to manifest this weekend. You are powerful beyond measure + don’t forget it! 


Karmic Relationship Session

We become our most empowered when we realize our relationships = opportunities for deep spiritual growth + powerful manifestations.

Join me for a 90 minute NLP/Hypnotherapy/Human Design session to learn more about your karmic relationships with others.

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anne siggy new






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