Weekly Energy Forecast For The Week of March 7- March 13

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2021

Moon blessings,

This week starts off with the waning moon in Capricorn and ends in Pisces with the new moon.

Monday: March 8: The waning moon Aquarius is a call to create a community to share with. This urge is becoming extremely strong. Look outside your normal circle to discover interesting people who share your newfound passions. Connect with those that feel interesting, or especially attractive energetically. Sometimes even just a two-minute exchange can shift something within us. STAY OPEN!

Thursday: March 11: The waning moon in Pisces brings things that maybe previously felt unclear to light. These things may suddenly seem glaringly obvious. Stay aware so you don’t miss any synchronicities that could make your life easier this week, leading up to the new moon cycle that begins on Saturday.

Saturday: March 13: The new moon in Pisces. It’s time to use your intuition to take inspired action. Pisces has us feeling very in tune. Your psychic abilities may be enhanced, or you may notice your intuition speaking to you in new ways. Pay attention to how your body feels, how your emotions engage you + the synchronistic events that play out in the physical world around you. They all contain clues to guide you on your next steps forward.  This evening, the waxing moon shifts into Aries, helping us to use the momentum that Pisces creates to make a quantum leap forward this moon cycle.


+ meet your higher self

I'll decode your chart for you + help you understand your authority, your type, your strategy, your profile {and wtf that all means as well}
This will help you to realize/remember your life purpose, show you how you make successful + satisfying decisions, how to use your energy + how you relate to others.
It will guide your actions + show you your higher self that you're working towards becoming + what actions you can take to get there with more ease. It aligns you with what you truly desire.


⚡️See you on Instagram @BecomeYourHigherSelf where I’ll be sharing my daily rituals in my story...


anne siggy new






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