Why it's important to listen to differing viewpoints

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2022


Hearing both sides of the story with an open mind will help you grow. It assists in forming independent thoughts. It aids you in deciding what resonates + what doesn’t.

If you are only presented with one view of the world you’ll never have a big picture vantage point of what’s going on around you.

If we limit the availability of information it is a huge disservice. If we don’t question reality how will we grow? How do we discover new possibilities?

Science is making new discoveries all the time due to hypothesizing. Proposing opposing ideas to current ways of thinking + doing things shows us new paths ahead. Aren’t we here to grow + shift into the future?

I, for one, have friends that hold different beliefs + I enjoy discussing things them with an open mind to hear them out in the hopes of stretching myself + learning something new so that I can grow. I find that the more I listen, the more I grow.

When I try to act like I’m right about everything or force my way of thinking on others I am limited + stuck with blinders on to new ways of doing things that may make my life easier or more enjoyable. I don’t grow as quickly as I do with an open mind.

We are all here to share our authentic truth but I don’t believe we are here to force it on anyone who disagrees with us.

Know it alls tend to be our least fave people in the crowd, am I right?

One thing I don’t condone is hate speech or people using words + ideas to hurt others. I do not stand for harming others. We all deserve respect. Unconditional love. The right to agree to disagree.






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